Delaying foundation repairs threatens the structural integrity of your home. Postponing foundation repairs will likely cost you more money in additional bills and repairs. Ignoring foundation problems can lead to mold growth and rodent infestation. If it is not controlled long enough, the problems of the base will be disclosed in other ways.
It could be a crack that runs through the drywall or basement walls that start to lean inward. This means serious problems in the foundation and, once they occur, the damaged interior also needs to be repaired. Those little cracks will continue to worsen. When it comes to foundations, even newer homes are prone to damage.
Whether you find cracks in walls, sinking floorboards, or other signs of foundation problems, it is imperative that professionals address them. Failure to do so could have catastrophic consequences not only for your home but also for your wallet. Here, Premier Wall Anchor & Waterproofing, home to a team of licensed, consolidated and insured foundation repair professionals, describes what could go wrong if you ignore the warning signs. If your seller was aware of problems with the foundations, he should have revealed it to him when he first saw the house.
However, landlords are often unaware of foundation problems. In many cases, excess water in the soil surrounding your house is the reason for the damage to the foundation, and if the problem is diagnosed well in advance, you may be able to fix the problem yourself with minimal external assistance. Before construction begins, the contractor must test the soil to make sure they know what they are building on and take appropriate precautions to avoid foundation problems. Getting the home inspection report and realizing that the house you've fallen in love with has foundation problems can be a devastating experience.
If you allow your base to deteriorate, insects and rodents can get into your house. If the house you want to buy has this type of damage, it is very likely that foundation problems are significant and repairs will be costly. A change in the foundation can put pressure on sewer and water lines, possibly cracking or breaking them. Crumbling and cracking of a foundation can lead to moisture penetration and the longer it lasts, the greater the likelihood of significant water damage.
The foundation's problems don't have to ruin the deal, although they are serious and should never be ignored, even if they seem minor. Clay-based soils that surround many foundations expand or contract as they increase or lose moisture. It is often the case that a small crack in the base that you can see can mean more problems where you can't see, so it's better to identify the scope of the problem before it gets even wider.